То Cross the Rubicon - Перейти Рубикон

То cross the Rubicon means to take a final, irrevocable step which may have dangerous consequences. It arises from the phrase said to have been used by Julius Caesar, a famous Roman general, statesm an and writer of the 1st century В. C.
The Rubicon was a small stream in northern Kaly which separated Cisalpine Gaul, the province of which Caesar was the governor, from Italy proper. His political rivals at Rome had passed a law ordering him to disband his army. Caesar marched to the river and stood at the bank undecided whether to cross it and thereby precipitate civil war. Then, drawing his sword and exclaiming, “The die is cast” he dashed across the river and was followed by his whole army. Since then the expression has become a proverb. When anyone has actually begun a hazardous enterprise from which he cannot draw back, they say, “He has crossed the Rubicon.”
Having crossed the Rubicon, Caesar started the civil war against the Roman Senate; six months later he made himself m aster of the whole of Italy.
During her m other’s breathless outbreak at
Stephen Lumley standing courteous and surprised before her, she had crossed her Rubicon. And now with flaring words she burnt her boats.
R. Macaulay, dan gerou s A ges
The young man now appeared to have crossed, as it were, some Rubicon is his mind and was speaking more fluently.
R. Warner, The Professor “ Let’s look at Poppet’s pictures and forget the war. Now that,” he said, pausing before the Aphrodite, “that I consider good. The moustache... it shows you have crossed one of the artistic rubicons and feel strong enough to be facetious.”
E. Waugh, Put out More Flags

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1. Выражение перейти Рубикон употребляется в значении: сделать решительный шаг. 2. Выражение заимствовано из рассказов Плутарха и других древних писателей о переходе Юлия Цезаря через Рубикон. 3. Маленькая речка Рубикон служила границей между Италией и Цизальпинской Галлией. 4. Получив в управление Цизальпинскую Галлию, Юлий Ц езарь по собственной инициативе и против воли Сената завоевал также всю Трансальпийскую Галлию. 5. У Цезаря было около пяти тысяч солдат. 6. Получив распоряжение Сената распустить легионы и явиться в Рим, Цезарь после некоторого колебания не только не подчинился приказу, но перешел Рубикон и вступил в открытый конфликт с Сенатом. 7. Цезарь решил з а ­ хватить Сенат врасплох, надеясь обеспечить себе этим победу. 8. Ночью, тайно Цезарь со своим войском пересек Рубикон. 9. Он захватил ключевые позиции и разгромил армию Сената. 10. В результате победы Цезарь стал диктатором Рима.